Saturday, June 26, 2010

26 June 2010 - Rest day in Moshi

Today is our last day in Moshi. It's sad to be starting the long trek home - especially as the cloud over Moshi still hasn't lifted enough to get a clear view of the mountain from the town.

Brock, Mark and I will be setting off for Dar early tomorrow, stopping over at Leshoto on the way. We are hoping to pay a visit to Luengera Estates where Mark spent his early childhood. Brock is flying to Canada from Dar on Wednesday so we'll be leaving him there and heading for the Ruaha National Park for two nights. We've heard it's a really great park and we're looking forward  to being there.

We spent the morning doing chores in the town - I'm discovering more and more gems as we explore with Brock. He treated us to a most delicious chicken curry for lunch. We went to a restaurant called Chez Deli where the cuisine is north Indian. Mark and I agreed it really was the best curry we've ever had. Thanks Brock. When we came back from town the three of us did the afternoon siesta thing and now it's packing time. Our holiday isn't over yet but we're definitely turning our heads for home.

We've decided to cut out the two days in Botswana for this trip. Crossing borders is expensive and we're going to be just traveling through the country so we've decided to save Botswana for another time. Instead we're heading back to Pietermaritzburg to visit Nicholas and his friends and family. :-) We'll still arrive home two weeks from today - just a different route. And so back to packing......

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hope you managed 2 visit r old school! Mark, u must hav climbed Meru in yor last year at Arusha? I left a year 2 early. Aargh! Hope u got Simon's cell no.? Hav blessed trip back. Drive up to Lushoto will wow u! Pack n Pixi.